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My Aunt the Piranha
Her teeth grow sharper when she speaks, and her words interlock without breath like the jagged rows lining her jaw. She hurts. Sometimes...
I ask for patience to befriend time, to give space to my labours of love, not to rush or stunt their growth, to cherish the transition...
Bombardier Beetles
A woke friend with dreadlocks in a wide brimmed hat, through a fog of incense, below a dream catcher, above a mound of tie-dyed rugs,...
Fear of Loss
I finally realized why I am afraid of having you. I am afraid of loving you so much and then losing you. Life has taught me that things...
Without Love: A Building Skeleton
A kind lover’s love has a way of filling the gaps in my order of things. It cushions the seats. It shines a sidewise gleam through the...
My Triggered Friend
Like a gull, you migrate northward in the spring, and return to my life after months, fluttering. But something in your distance, and the...
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